Rowan likes pigs, spicy noodles and melancholic films. She lives in Cardiff with her partner and a garden of baby vegetables.
Gubbins. Eleganza. Bichon frise.
With five years’ experience as a copywriter, I’ve become something of an expert at finding the right words.
From human rights to doggy delights I have written international campaigns, crafted digital strategies, gone viral on social media, hit the spot with direct mail and written every kind of fundraising material you can imagine.
As Senior Copywriter for On agency I wrote for Oxfam, The British Red Cross and Stroke Association – often simultaneously. From project managing a team of 15 freelance creatives to crafting brand workshops for Save the Children, I never shy away from a challenge.
Whatever the project, I use meticulous research and time-honoured techniques to make every word count. Sometimes I find inspiration in the most unlikely sources: an art gallery, a train announcement, a 300-year-old speech.
Above all, I believe it’s about stories. Telling the story of malaria through carefully selected WHO statistics. Telling in her own words the story of 13-year-old Estelle from Burkina Faso, who cycled 100 kilometres to ask for a scholarship so that she could keep learning. Telling the story of a refugee family through photographs of the precious objects they lovingly carried from country to country.
I love to tell the astonishing stories of the people who have benefited from the kindness of someone far away. To use their voices, quirks and all. To tell their stories with compassion and an unflinching eye. To remind people that everyone is born equal and every mother wants the best life for their child.
The rest, as they say, is just good copywriting.
Why not pick up the phone and see what I can do for your organisation today?